The Future To Come

Besides the combined strategy to develop three parallel revenue verticals, with multiple monetization strategies, GOLball looks into expansion strategies, additional innovation, and alternative business models. Expansion comes from the acquisition of multiple rights and alliances in different sports that have goal ball related items such as other sport balls (e.g., basketball, rugby, or baseball) and other sports that could have unique objects of appreciation (e.g., tennis rackets, cricket bats, or fighting gloves), which increase the engagement platform for additional monetization. The Fan Pool also looks into diversification and aims at accumulating additional sport related assets that increase the pool value and attract other members to participate creating market appreciation and long-term valuation. The Fan Pool is considered as a futuristic business structure that could have a market – cap valuation and is susceptible to be acquired by other similar structures or investment vehicles, promising exponential returns to its members. Finally, a consolidated transactional platform and a valuable Fan Pool will provide GOLball with significant power to develop additional business model, from virtual reality spaces to co-branding and own branding events and products. GOLball’s future depends on its ability to constantly innovate, its vision to integrate more fans and users, and its monetization capacity to incorporate non-traditional revenue streams, over a solid team of committed stakeholders and an evolving technology ledger that facilitates adoption and transactions over extended business cycles.

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